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Primary Care • HemoCue® WBC DIFF


Susanne Blohmé, clinical laboratory scientist with 30 years of experience. Employee at the primary care center in Bräkne-Hoby, Sweden.

Why choose the HemoCue® WBC DIFF System?

The primary care center in Bräkne-Hoby has used the HemoCue WBC DIFF since spring 2011. At first they made thorough comparison between the system and the hematology instrument at the laboratory in Karlskrona. “The comparison showed that the results from the HemoCue WBC DIFF system correspond well to the results from the larger hematology instrument”, Susanne Blohmé says.

When is the HemoCue® WBC DIFF System used?

The primary care center in Bräkne-Hoby uses the HemoCue WBC DIFF system every day. The physicians order the test and the clinical laboratory scientist or an assistant nurse perform the analysis. “A differential count is helpful in the diagnosis or exclusion of an infection. In some cases, e.g. when a patient is suffering from stress, high WBC count can be presented without any infection. With the HemoCue WBC DIFF system we can tell the difference”, Susanne Blohmé says.

What are the benefits from using the HemoCue® WBC DIFF System?

Quick results enable good service towards the patients, saving time for caregiver and patient. The price per test is only 1/3 of the cost for hospital laboratory testing.

Patient Case

Two-year-old Theo is ill. He has a fever and is whiny. Theo has felt like this before, due to teething. “But this time it felt different so we went to the primary care just in case”, Theo’s dad says. The physician ordered blood sample testing and ten minutes later the result from the HemoCue WBC DIFF test was ready: slightly increased WBC count but normal cell distribution on the differential count. It was the teething this time as well. “It gives unnecessary worry, having to wait until the next day for a test result. It feels good having a reassuring answer right away”, Theo’s dad says.

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